Psalm 126 • Habakkuk 3:2-6 • Philippians 3:12-16
Advent is a time of laughter and joy. We wait, filled with hope, for God to enter our world and restore us. Today’s psalm is powerful because it alludes to the return of the Exiles from Babylonian captivity. The fortunes restored are the people! God’s promises, as spoken through Jeremiah, were fulfilled and so the people sing and laugh that their new day has dawned. We know that God fulfilled his promise to bring us a new King, a Messiah. Therefore, our days of Advent are filled with the joy we know will be fully realized when we announce that “unto us a child is born”!
There is also the anticipated reversal, when mourning is transformed to joy and tears to laughter. Yes, the Lord has done great things for us. Yes, the Lord is doing great things for us. Yes, the Lord will do great things for us!
O Lord, thank you for our restoration. Thank you for laughter and joy. Fill us with joy for the great things you do. Amen.
Dr. Steve BishopAssociate Professor of Old Testament
Seminary of the Southwest
Listen to Steve read his meditation and prayer:
The Advent Meditations and Prayers are a gift to our seminary community and are made possible through gifts to our Annual Fund. Seminary of the Southwest appreciates the support of its friends, alumni, and the communities around the world that its graduates serve for the glory of God. This support ensures that Southwest, as an institution made of individuals dedicated to service to God and their fellow members of the body of Christ, can continue doing its part to build the body of Christ.