We are happy to announce that Seminary of the Southwest’s literary and arts journal, Soul by Southwest, is now accepting entries for its Spring 2025 issue.
The mission of the journal, published by the seminary’s Center for Writing and the Arts, is to celebrate the movement of the creative spirit within our beloved community.
For the Spring ’25 issue, we invite works that engage the broad theme of belonging — that engage the questions What does it mean to belong (or not)? Where do I belong? and How can we offer belonging to others?
As always, we welcome submissions on any other topic or theme, as well.
Submissions will be accepted through Friday, January 31, 2025, and are open to writers and artists of all ages and proficiency levels. Please share this invitation with your friends and communities!
Submit works here.
Submission Guidelines
What: We print words and images that inspire, delight, question, and reveal, including short fiction, poetry, essays, reflections, photographs, and other visual artworks. We do not print academic or analytical writing, but we realize that genres are fluid. Please submit any questions about form or content to soulbysouthwest@ssw.edu.
When: Submissions are accepted on a rolling basis. Please send them to soulbysouthwest@ssw.edu.
Whom: We seek contributions from students, faculty, staff, alumni, and the extended Seminary of the Southwest community.
How: All works will be considered, but we ask that that you keep these preferences in mind:
- Poetry: 20–30 lines maximum, Times New Roman 12, single-spaced; maximum of five poems. Please submit each poem in a separate Word document.
- Prose: 750–1000 words maximum, Times New Roman 12, double-spaced. Please submit each piece in a separate Word document.
- Images: 300 dpi minimum, .jpeg or .tif format. Photographs or scans of paintings, sketches, and other visual media are welcome; maximum of five images.
We will do our best to respond to submissions and inquiries within 30 days of receipt. Please send your questions to soulbysouthwest@ssw.edu.